Traditional Western Farmhouse

Entering this home for the first time provides the feeling that dated materials abound. The request from the owners was a new kitchen that worked. Anyone could have placed a beautiful kitchen in the center of this house and walked away. The owner’s ideas were grand, but placing a new kitchen in that location would have made the rest of the home look even more dated.

Instead, we suggested changing out the pink porcelain tiles that ran from the front entry to the garage hall door with wood plank flooring. Not only would this improve the look of the home, it would be easier on the owners’ bodies. We then took notice to the sea of honey-oak cabinets in the family and dining rooms that matched the existing kitchen cabinets.

The owner’s first choice of cabinet style was a distressed, painted cabinet with an intricately raised door panel. Our suggestion was to change the profile to a simple door of Alder wood with mild distressing. This picked up the under color of the existing cabinetry and would make the kitchen blend with the existing home. All of the cabinets were constructed on site to create a perfect fit. The Verde Butterfly granite is rich in color, while the stained butcher-block island can be cleared and used for prep work. There are concealed wheels, allowing the island to be moved out of the way or pulled closer to the sink or cook top. The removal of the upper cabinets in the nook area allows light to flow into the space and integrates the spaces. The use of open shelves for cookbooks and a hidden panel for keeping half-read newspapers and magazines makes an easy clean up for the most used room in the house.

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